One‑On‑One And Individually Designed Work

I delight in offering one-on-one coaching for leaders, executives, managers, and entrepreneurs, leaders. Indeed, I consider everyone a leader — a leader of our own lives. Our own ability to design a life, to author a life, to be responsible for leading our “one wild and precious life,” as Mary Oliver says, is front and center. We work with you over time, either in person, by zoom, or phone, or a composite of all three, and design the nature of each engagement according to what you are up to in your life, what new possibilities you are out to invent, what breakthrough it is time for you to make. The work is deep, rigorous, and inspiring. People leave their coaching work with a profound sense of who they are, their gifts, and joys able to be expressed in the world, and current constraints, limitations, and barriers to freedom removed in behalf of living, and fulfilling, a life well-lived, a life given by meaning, and joy.

Executive and Leadership Team Coaching

I also relish coaching small teams through work in creating and fulfilling vision, mission, values, and shared operating principles, which result in breakthroughs in trust, retention, and accomplishment. Through designed work in the areas of communication, collaboration, innovation, coordinated action, and authentic, open honest communication, breakthroughs can occur that cannot otherwise occur. Both the individual and team coaching result in clients having breakthroughs in supporting the performance of others, in developing others, in integrity, accountability, and accomplishment.

To read what clients have said about the work they have done, and openings they have accomplished, in their one-on-one coaching sessions with Amba, please click the “explore” link.


One-on-One Coaching through Course-work Design

One-on-One Joy of Being

This conversation provides you with the opportunity to discern your Core, your Essential Design — to remember what is hidden and real — and then, to shape a life which makes manifest and expresses that unique thread and purpose that is at the heart of who you are. Through this deep work, you 1) come to discern your own, individual, unique purpose in life, your “thread,” your Essential Selfhood; 2) come into communion with that Self and fall in love with that Self; and 3) design/author your own life in such a way that your purpose is realized on an ongoing basis. Your embodied purpose then becomes a homing device that allows your soul to “enter the gravity field of its own destiny,” as poet David Whyte says. Only in a relationship with silence and emptiness, two essentials, can the kind of depth of conversation occur. The Joy of Being, as a conversation, in One-on-One coaching with Amba, provides that environment. After engaging with it, you move into living “in your true inheritance,” that which is a Source of Joy, where “living” and “being” are one.

To read what participants have said about the work they have done, and openings they have accomplished, in their engagement with Joy of Being with Amba, please click the “explore” link.


One-on-one Crossing Thresholds, a New Opening

Crossing Thresholds, A New Opening “is not a self-help 10 steps book,” as one of the reviewers of the book on Amazon says. This is not for fixing anything. Rather, this is a conversation for the Explorer, the Adventurer, the Curious, the Serious traveler, who is interested in and committed to traveling an inner journey, creating time to developing some serious muscle for handling and moving through whatever personal threshold crossings are ours to make, during this collective, communal, global threshold crossing time.

To read what participants have said about the work they have done, and openings they have accomplished, in their engagement with Crossing Thresholds, A New Opening with Amba, please click the “explore” link.



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