Being an Opening for Invitations

June 22, 2021

Being an Opening for Invitations

By Amba Gale

While we may think we know how life will unfold from here, if we tell ourselves the truth, we have absolutely no idea. I have learned many things during our experience with Covid, one of which is this: we cannot predict the future. While we human beings have an enormous resistance to uncertainty, uncertainty has been our home these last twelve months, and still will be. So, the question becomes: who do we need to be to live in this home, strong, inspired, enlivened?

Boris Pasternak said, “Surprise is the great gift which life can grant us.”

If we were only to listen, listen with our hearts, shifting from identifying with the thought chatter in our minds, to being aware of, or witnessing, that chatter, and, simply shifting gears, shifting perspective, listening to what life is bringing us gratefully, befriending all our circumstances, we begin to hear differently, to focus differently, to be aware differently. We begin to hear the many invitations for transformation coming our way, the invitations for amazement coming our way, the invitations for connection coming our way, and the invitation for making threshold crossings coming our way.

Do you have a closer relationship with at least one person out of the gifts you have been given this last year to orient how you operate? I do.

Do you have a poignant experience of life in ways you had not had before? I know I do.

Can you hear the invitations for engaging in conversations that are meaningful, real, life giving, conversations that are different than what are on the news, conversations that open up a new and enlivening perspective regarding what we see all around us? I know I do.

Do you accept those invitations? I do.

And there are also invitations which “sound good” but don’t touch our hearts; that seem strategic, and then don’t sit right. Do we decline those invitations as well? I am learning to do so.

What is it to be an “opening for invitations?” It is to listen to the world with a different ear, an inner commitment for following your intuition and letting it guide you; to hear invitations from all sorts of people and all sorts of speaking…to listen to what calls you that gives you life, and that quality of aliveness that is rare, and precious…and answer that call.

Are you willing to approach the next opportunity of your life with that quality of openness?

I invite you to–
A FREE, 75-minute Preview course, starting you on your next threshold crossing.


Being an Opening for Invitations

By Amba Gale
From Crossing Thresholds, Island Reflections

Be a clearing!

An empty vessel
in which you can
hear and taste
the future
filling the vessel
with miraculous and astonishing surprises – 
the unexpected:

musical food for the Heart

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