Welcome to Gale Leadership Development

Amba’s writing her next book, The Art of Sacred Listening: From Heart to Heart

Watch the 3-minute interview Jack Canfield does with Amba about her work >

crossing thresholds book

Crossing Thresholds,
Island Reflections

A photographic, and practical guide for embracing endings and welcoming new beginnings.

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The Joy of Being

Design and Live the Life You Love, the Life that brings you alive!

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Amba Gale

Meet Amba

Amba is a teacher, coach, and guide, philosopher, and poet, for people and businesses.

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Awakening Heart, Spirit and Joy in Worklife

We engender in individuals, and in companies, their capacity to connect with, discern, discover, and awaken their own spirit, and the Soul of their business.



Oh, my Goodness!!! Read what participants have said



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