Working with Amba Testimonials

“For over a decade, I have worked with Gale Leadership Development to support our leadership team’s growth and performance and to develop my leadership style and competency. With her unique approach to blending spiritual and poetic wisdom with straight talk and honest feedback, Amba leads the client through a journey of development and self-fulfillment that is unique and invaluable.”

Eric Cress
President and Co-Founder, Urban Development Partners

Eric Cress

“I’ve worked with Amba personally through Gale Leadership Development for over 15 years. In that time, I have discovered that the time I spend on developing myself is as valuable as the time I spend on developing the technical skills I’ve needed for the positions I have held. In leadership, we lead from who we are, so developing who we are, as Amba so masterfully leads us, is a win both personally and professionally. Anyone interested in living an authentic life, especially those of us privileged to serve as leaders, will gain tremendous insight and skill through participation in Gale Leadership Development courses.”

Marianne H Bastin
Leadership and Special Projects Director Mary Bridge Children’s

Marianne Bastin

“I’ve worked with Amba personally and professionally for over twenty-five years. Amba’s developmental approach has transformed individuals and leadership teams in billion-dollar businesses I have been a part of, as well as locally run businesses. If you’re out to make a difference in the world, or looking to discover what is the difference you can make, by yourself or with others, Amba’s coursework is a must.”

James Bailey,
Owner Perspective Wealth Partners

James Bailey

“Working with Amba is a life-giving experience. I’ve worked with her both individually and through our company for well over 27 years. She gets to the heart of leadership and empowers individuals and teams to manifest what matters in life, to make a difference, to be true to oneself and to choose joy.”

Susan Allen
Senior Director of Brand Development, Town & Country Markets

Susan Allen

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