The Teacher

August 1, 2023

The Teacher

By Amba Gale

He was sitting
at the Entrance
to the lobby, the gateway to the event,
when we entered.

“Have a great time,” he said, like he meant it.

Not a casual remark, but an instruction
from a Teacher
from beyond.

I did.

“You deserve it,” he told me later.
I passed through the threshold of the lobby to the lawn
where the gate keeper took our tickets
to heaven.

I promised myself I would dance, and I did.

Later, as we left the lawn,
You know, THAT lawn,
where the Great Tree spreads its wings and shelters you in its arms
where you gaze upon the island – your island, where you live — across the passage in the sun
the lawn where you could sing and wave your arms
while the energy of Elvis lights up the sky—
That lawn.

As I exited this other world, this other time, this passage into Play,
This passage into Dance,
there he was once more.

“Who’s driving?” he asked.
We pointed to Don.
“Take care of her,” he said.
She is precious cargo.”
And repeated that three times.

And then awakened the love that binds us.
“He loves you and you love him.”
He said that three times as well.
In case I didn’t get it.

Who was this man who came to awaken?
A messenger?
A guide?
A Teacher from Beyond?

Our teachers are everywhere,
were we only to listen.

Additional Poetry

February 27, 2024

Awakening Sunrise

Your rising red orange crimson yellow ever‑changing light ever‑changing shape moment by moment in the sky in the sea startles me. Looking up through the living room’s glass door to the outside, I am amazed, aroused, engaged, awakened, astonished by your light. You wake me up to the present as if I have been in a dream. Presence comes first. Astonishment rushes in a brief moment after. Wonder follows, then these words of love to you. Bothered, ensnared, engulfed by all my worries, I have been asleep. Your sudden appearance and my willingness to be surprised meet and hold hands.…

February 13, 2024

Creating Spaciousness

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