February 15, 2022
The Healing
By Amba Gale
ever so slowly,
one by one,
they opened.
Heart by heart,
they spoke.
Story by simple story,
they let us in
to the truth of lives
lost and gained.
With each speaking, a shedding.
With each speaking, a new heart opened
like a rose petal in the spring sunlight,
little by little
coming out of winter
little by little
coming out of the grief
little by little
coming into the peace.
Even those who never cry,
having bowed to fear as their god,
shed tears those days,
shared with us their wounds, exposing their hearts for all to hear.
As the Silence of the Listening grew deeper
and the depth of the love grew larger
and the richness of the human soul
brought its roots out of the earth,
buried for so long,
got more real.
We grew to know one another
and ourselves
in ways that are way too rare
in these days of division.
“Sharing is the gateway to connection,”
a young man said,
a man who has been private and closed before.
And Humanity was born.
There-right there-
in a room full of masked faces
where people took off their masks,
even while leaving the physical ones on.
We came to know
the immense opportunity
of shedding our protections
and, in that shedding, finding
we are safe already.
We are, already, loved.
We came to know
that love that lies
beneath all lives.
We came to know
the beauty of the human spirit,
the courage of the human heart
the wisdom of the Greater Mind
the Generosity of the Bountiful Spirit.
We came to be at One.