April 13, 2021
Tapping into Your Creativity
By Amba Gale
Most recently, one of the Great Lessons I am being taught, during this Covid Crisis, is to stay true to the Creative Voice that is my own. To do that, I need to set aside my critic, and listen, deeply, to my own wisdom, my own intuition, my own deep heart knowledge, that speaks to me when I go deep into my own, inner Silence, the Silence that awaits me when I let go of identifying with my thinking mind.
The mind is so loud, with its positions, opinions, judgments, beliefs, need to be right, need to make others wrong, expectations, disappointments, regrets, worries, fears, and so forth. When I think I am that, I am gripped, and that Mind takes over my life and runs the show.
That is why it is critical to pause, or to STOP. Only when we can stop, can we, also, listen.
Brother David Steindl-Rast, one of my guides and teachers, a profoundly wise and humble Benedictine Brother, counseled me to stay inspired. I heard that guidance from him when we first, also, learned about Covid, and everything suddenly changed. Out of that guidance, I intentionally adapted a new practice of, each day, letting go of the thinking mind and asking for inspiration to take over, asked to be able to listen to the Voice that comes to me from another realm, the Voice of my own Wisdom. I established a ritual, a poetry corner, where I sit every morning, pause, read my favorite poetry or wisdom books, and, simply go deep within, into Stillness, where all the energy can gather and I can know myself as that joyful energy within. The Muse awakens and I write.
I am so excited to let you know that we have created a companion journal to the beautiful book, Crossing Thresholds, Island Reflections. The journal is meant to be a companion to you in your own inner journey, a place where your pen meets paper, where you can say something deep and new to yourself, releasing yourself to your own deep and hidden thoughts. May the prompts on each writing opportunity, in tandem with the book, inspire you to unlock your own wisdom, creativity and clarity, turning challenges and problems into opportunities and gifts, embracing losses, re-inventing relationships, and coming to peace with changes and endings in your life.
Open new doors of wonder, possibility, and perception for yourself as you “step aside your own critic” and be inspired by your own creativity.
Lest You Forget Who You Are
By Amba Gale
you forget
who you are,
a mighty flame
surround you
with its sweet incense smell,
carry you back
through your heart’s eye
and all that you hold dear, to that place
in the ashram of your body
you pray
and remember who you are.
Let yourself
be found
by the pure soil of your soul,
the ground where all seeds flourish.
Be bound
by the marriage
of your breath with spirit.
Don’t so
get caught up
in the world
in ways you don’t want to be remembered.
Let the earth
the air
water and fire
spirit you
to your elemental home place
where you can live
and breathe,