Letting Silence Speak

August 17, 2021

Letting Silence Speak

By Amba Gale

the preoccupations of the world
and of my mind,

Silence Speaks.
I need but listen:

“Let the fog engulf you,
make a cocoon around you today
as you read or write or cook or wash.

Do not let
the pulls of your mind
with its tentacles of glue
pull you into stories
of past, of present, of future.

Let the fog lift, as it does,
revealing those silent islands
in the mist of time
in the midst of space.

Let the sun shine through,
bless you, and let
you know you are on holy ground.”


Additional Poetry

February 27, 2024

Awakening Sunrise

Your rising red orange crimson yellow ever‑changing light ever‑changing shape moment by moment in the sky in the sea startles me. Looking up through the living room’s glass door to the outside, I am amazed, aroused, engaged, awakened, astonished by your light. You wake me up to the present as if I have been in a dream. Presence comes first. Astonishment rushes in a brief moment after. Wonder follows, then these words of love to you. Bothered, ensnared, engulfed by all my worries, I have been asleep. Your sudden appearance and my willingness to be surprised meet and hold hands.…

February 13, 2024

Creating Spaciousness

Breathe. Let the light that is all around you enter through your crown chakra. Let it penetrate your Being. Feel The warmth of the fire within you. Know that you are loved. Align all the energies. Let them converge as one in the center of your Being. Breathe. Create space in time. All will come to pass in its own time. Don’t try to rush things. Breathe. Create room in time. Those creative possibilities are beautiful, all in their own time. Give yourself the gift of room in time. Let this knowing in your body and your heart lead the…

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