Inhabiting the Life of Your Gift

November 7, 2022

Inhabiting the Life of Your Gift

By Amba Gale

I am deeply feeling that we are, that I am, at the end of a particular cycle, a particular iteration, a particular passage, in my own life. And that it is time to move on.

Covid, along with the many passages I have taken within Covid, has re-shaped me.

I am feeling the necessity of a retreat – a time to go into a kind of silence where we can meet the original part of ourselves, in this new beginning, new cycle of existence.

This is an invitation to go into the quiet, and below that, into the Silence, to re-inhabit our vessel and the very edges where we are now being invited to meet the outer world.

We get so stuck in our same plans, or the ambitions that first began in one epoch. Perhaps there are things that we are saying and how we are saying them that it is time to give up, to shed, to let go of, to get tired of, and then, to move on.

It is good to be held in community during this transformative journey.

What we will have left is our future voyage, born from our clearer sense of self and who we have now become, through our journey of traversing our most recent path.

And then, sometimes the path ahead is no path at all. David Whyte, an English-born poet and author, who has made such a contribution to my life, says, “you are crossing an unknown sea, and your body is your life is the vessel…put this body in conversation in the world.” Let us “set our sails according to the way the wind is blowing, to live at that edge.”

I say: the trick is to be so attuned to the world, to listen so deeply, that we set our sails, according to the winds, and shape our future, from our Original Voice, and allow our current Visions, across all the domains of our life, to pull us forward into their manifestation.

“Straight line from the future,” as my following poems says.

We start by discerning, and then inhabiting, the vessel of our own personal gift.

The Joy of Being is one of the conversational ways for finding the longing inside you that wants to light the world, that sets you off on the path that only you can take.

We are living in a critical time, a time that can be difficult to navigate, a time with a darker outer.

We need to Create a field of love, in which there can blossom an outpouring of transformation and healing, with new powers coming through.

As a child, I at some time had in my imagination something I was being called to — this intuition came from something beyond myself and gave me an intimation of a larger purpose that was mine to fulfill.

Let us discern, and create that future now, following the path that brings us alive, into Love, into Joy.

That is why I am offering The Joy of Being in February.


The Future that Brings You Alive

By Amba Gale

There is a straight line
that only you know how to draw
that takes you from here to there
or, more precisely,
from there to here,
in a world of possibility.

And, if you follow it
you will be true
to your own North Star.

It will not fail you.

No matter the turbulent
and unprecedented circumstances of your life.

For one thing,
you will know
that you are being guided.

For another,
you will know
the Guidance is true.

The Future,
If you let it,
will magnetize you into it.

Do not
let your mind
or your considerations,
whatever the state of the world,
deter you.

Look up! There it is again:

the straight line
within the circulating artistry of the clouds.

Follow Your Path.

There is no other.

Follow Your Path.
It will bring you alive.

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