For Giving Endings

December 21, 2020

For Giving Endings

By Amba Gale

Teachings from another time are given:

All is well and “shall be well.”

Live in faith, know deep in heart,

that endings soon

(in their own time)

give rise to new beginnings,

and only with completion can a new beginning start.

And I must rise to the tide of my life’s calling

for giving endings where those endings are now due.

“What must I complete?”

“What endings must I cause?”

I’m called to ask.

Here, the heart can grow and gladden

with Completion’s teaching:

All is Well,

    “All shall be well,

          and all manner of thing shall be well.”

The Student Inside


all the lessons from the Royale Isle

of Impermanence and Now,

of endings and new starts.

When the wild waves beat

at your shore, and in your heart, when

night lightning strikes

at your feet,

and makes a day shine from the night-darkened

porch, when

thunder drum shakes the wooden floor,

and you stumble, not seeing, as the wind

blows open all the windows, all the doors,

sweeping your house clean,

you may tumble,

you lose your hold on earth.

Know this in your heart, and let it chime the bell:

“All manner of thing shall be well.”

Breathe in deep, and give it all

the space to be a part

Of Ending,

      of Beginning,

             and of Entrance

                     to new Start.

“All manner of thing shall be well,” Julian of Norwich.

Additional Poetry

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