Drop Down Deep

September 15, 2020

Drop Down Deep

By Amba Gale

In our lives, and in these unprecedented times, in particular, it is important for each of us, if not critical, to “drop down deep,” to “stop what you are doing right now, and to stop what you are becoming while you do it,” as poet David Whyte suggests. To, simply, stop.

It is in the stopping that we can notice, observe, include, and be with, all of the emotional and reactions, the opinions, and the judgments, the resisting and persuading, the complaining and the fighting, we are doing in our minds. Once we have stopped, we can, simply, focus in on our breathing. Having let go of all that mind chatter, having separated our awareness from our mind, we can come present to Now. Now is where there is peace. Now is where there is Presence. Now can even be, where we can create wonder and gratitude.

When you drop down deep, you can access your Imagination, that singular and unique voice which is entirely your own. Listen. Hear what it is saying to you. Trust it.

Drop Down Deep


Drop down,
beneath the Silence

where the Voice
of your Soul
— the Creative Imagination — can find you
and guide you
to your own promised land.

Those promises
were made
long ago
before you were born.

Though you forgot them,
they were vows
that were made for you,
in behalf of your Soul
to its rightful land.

To find that voice,
you must listen.
Listen deep,
beneath the Silence.


Register for Crossing Thresholds: A New Opening by Saturday, September 19 >

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