February 2, 2021
Let in the Light
By Amba Gale
A sudden gust—
I hear the movement of the trees
calling me to give them my attention
telling me to turn my head from the computer screen
and stop
and look.
Time to be in the Wild once more.
What do I see?
The Red-tailed hawk lighting on a bush by the sea,
at one with the white breakers rolling in,
as if to say,
“Be out here,
be with the day.”
Everything is light.
Watch the white breakers
run from north to south, move swiftly on their way,
playing and dancing, gaily prancing.
They do not care that it is cold outside.
They are celebrating the wind.
Arrest yourself.
Pay close attention to the sea
as she calls you.
Be a child
on this new day.
And then there are the mountains,
kissing the sky,
while a lone plane
flies to the north east,
slowly, as if there were, still, somewhere to go.
The heaviness is gone.
The darkness is gone.
Breathing lightly now,
let in the light.